
The Whispering Lake

Noah had always been fascinated by the lake near his grandmother’s house. It was deep and still, surrounded by tall trees that seemed to watch over it. The townspeople called it “Whispering Lake” because, on quiet nights, you could hear soft voices coming from the water.

One summer evening, Noah decided to explore. He took a small boat and paddled toward the center of the lake. The sky was dark, the water perfectly smooth. Then, suddenly, he heard it—a whisper.

"Come closer."

Noah froze. His hands tightened on the paddle. “Who’s there?” he called out.

The water rippled, and in front of him, something glowed beneath the surface. Slowly, a shimmering silver key floated up from the depths.

Noah reached out and took it. As soon as he touched the key, the lake changed. The stars above seemed to spin, and the trees looked older, as if time had shifted.

Then, he saw it—a small wooden door, half-buried in the roots of an old tree at the shore. He had never noticed it before.

Curious, he rowed back and stepped onto the shore. The key in his hand felt warm. Taking a deep breath, he placed it into the tiny keyhole. The door creaked open.

Behind it was a stone staircase leading downward. But downward to where?

The whispers grew louder. "Find the lost treasure."

Noah hesitated. Was this a dream? A trick? Or had he discovered something truly magical?

With one last look at the dark lake, he stepped inside. The door closed behind him, and the world outside disappeared.


English Listening Quiz

1. What is special about Whispering Lake?

2. What happens when Noah reaches the middle of the lake?

3. What changes when Noah touches the key?

4. What does Noah find near the shore?

5. What happens when Noah puts the key in the door?

6. What do the whispers tell Noah?

7. How does the story end?

Synonyms and Antonyms Table

Word Synonym Antonym
Fascinated Captivated, Enthralled Bored, Uninterested
Deep Profound, Bottomless Shallow, Superficial
Still Calm, Motionless Moving, Unstable
Quiet Silent, Peaceful Loud, Noisy
Soft Gentle, Faint Harsh, Loud
Small Tiny, Miniature Large, Huge
Dark Black, Shadowy Bright, Light
Perfectly Flawlessly, Completely Imperfectly, Partially
Suddenly Abruptly, Instantly Gradually, Slowly
Frozen Still, Paralyzed Moving, Active
Glow Shine, Radiate Dim, Darken
Old Ancient, Aged New, Fresh
Curious Inquisitive, Interested Indifferent, Unconcerned
Warm Hot, Heated Cold, Chilly
Tiny Small, Miniature Huge, Large
Open Unlocked, Accessible Closed, Shut
Lost Missing, Hidden Found, Discovered
Hesitate Pause, Delay Decide, Proceed
Magical Enchanted, Mystical Ordinary, Realistic
Disappear Vanish, Fade Appear, Emerge