
The Magic Paintbrush

Tom was a young boy. He spent hours with his sketchbook, creating beautiful pictures of nature, animals, and people. One day, while exploring his grandfather’s attic, he found an old paintbrush in a wooden box. It looked different from any paintbrush he had ever seen. It had a golden handle and soft bristles that shone in the light.

Curious, Tom took the paintbrush home and decided to try it. That evening, he dipped it in paint and started drawing a tree on a piece of paper. Suddenly, something amazing happened. The tree began to glow, and a few seconds later, it came to life! It grew real green leaves and shiny red apples, just like a real tree. Tom could not believe his eyes.

Excited, he painted a small bird. The bird flapped its wings and flew around his room. Tom realized that the paintbrush was magic! He understood that whatever he painted with it would become real.

The next day, Tom thought about how he could use his magic paintbrush. Instead of keeping it a secret, he decided to help people in his town. He painted food for the hungry, shoes for children who had none, and warm blankets for the elderly. Soon, everyone in the village heard about his magical gift, and they loved and respected Tom.

However, one day, a greedy and selfish man named Mr. Gray heard about Tom’s magic paintbrush. He wanted to use it for himself to become rich. He visited Tom’s house and tried to buy the paintbrush, but Tom refused. Mr. Gray became angry and decided to steal it.

That night, Mr. Gray sneaked into Tom’s room while he was sleeping and grabbed the paintbrush. But as soon as he tried to use it, the paintbrush stopped working. No matter what he painted, nothing came to life. Furious, Mr. Gray went back to Tom and demanded to know why the brush would not work.

Tom smiled and said, "This paintbrush only works for those who have a kind heart." Mr. Gray realized his mistake. He apologized and promised to change. Tom forgave him, and from that day on, he continued using the magic paintbrush to help people in need.


English Listening Quiz

1. Where did Tom find the paintbrush?

2. What happened when Tom painted a tree?

3. How did Tom use his magic paintbrush?

4. What did Mr. Gray try to do?

5. Why didn’t the magic paintbrush work for Mr. Gray?

Synonyms and Antonyms Table

Word Synonym Antonym
Young Juvenile, Youthful Old, Elderly
Beautiful Gorgeous, Stunning Ugly, Unattractive
Old Ancient, Aged New, Fresh
Different Unique, Distinct Same, Similar
Soft Gentle, Delicate Rough, Hard
Real Genuine, Authentic Fake, Unreal
Excited Thrilled, Delighted Bored, Uninterested
Magic Enchanted, Mystical Ordinary, Realistic
Secret Hidden, Confidential Public, Open
Hungry Starving, Famished Full, Satisfied
Warm Cozy, Heated Cold, Chilly
Greedy Selfish, Avaricious Generous, Kind
Rich Wealthy, Affluent Poor, Needy
Angry Mad, Furious Calm, Peaceful
Kind Compassionate, Caring Cruel, Mean
Forgive Pardon, Excuse Blame, Punish
Need Require, Want Have, Possess