
The Lost Time Capsule

Jack and his best friend Mia loved exploring. They spent most of their weekends searching for hidden places in their neighborhood. One Saturday, while playing in Mia’s backyard, Jack tripped over something hard in the ground.

“Ouch! What was that?” he said, rubbing his knee. Mia looked down and saw a small metal corner sticking out of the soil. “Let’s dig it up!” she said excitedly.

After a few minutes of digging with their hands, they uncovered a rusty old box. It was locked, but there was a small note on top. The paper was yellow and fragile, and the writing on it was faded.

“This looks really old,” Mia whispered. Jack carefully read the note: "To whoever finds this, this is our time capsule. We buried it in 1975. Inside, you will find memories from our childhood. We hope it brings you joy."

Jack and Mia looked at each other in shock. “This has been here for almost 50 years!” Jack exclaimed.

They rushed to Mia’s house and showed the box to her grandfather. He smiled as he looked at it. “I remember this! My friends and I buried it when we were kids,” he said. “Let’s open it together.”

With a little effort, he broke the rusty lock. Inside, they found an old photo, some toys, a newspaper from 1975, and a few letters written by children from the past.

Jack and Mia read the letters eagerly. One of them said, "In the future, we wonder if people will have flying cars or live on the Moon." They laughed.

“This is amazing,” Mia said. “Maybe we should make our own time capsule.”

Jack nodded. “Yes! And we’ll bury it for kids to find in the future.”

That day, they gathered small objects, wrote letters about their lives, and buried their own time capsule. They felt happy knowing that one day, someone else would have the same exciting experience they had.


English Listening Quiz

1. Where do Jack and Mia find the time capsule?

2. What is written on the note attached to the box?

3. How old is the time capsule?

4. Who buried the time capsule?

5. What do Jack and Mia find inside the box?

Word Synonym Antonym
Explore Investigate, Discover Ignore, Overlook
Hidden Concealed, Secret Visible, Exposed
Hard Solid, Tough Soft, Flexible
Excited Thrilled, Enthusiastic Bored, Uninterested
Rusty Corroded, Aged Shiny, New
Old Ancient, Vintage New, Modern
Fragile Delicate, Brittle Strong, Durable
Faded Dim, Pale Bright, Vivid
Shock Surprise, Astonishment Expectation, Predictability
Smile Grin, Beam Frown, Scowl
Effort Attempt, Endeavor Idleness, Inaction
Break Snap, Shatter Fix, Mend
Amazing Astonishing, Wonderful Ordinary, Boring
Future Tomorrow, Destiny Past, History
Happy Joyful, Cheerful Sad, Unhappy
Exciting Thrilling, Stimulating Dull, Uninteresting
Experience Adventure, Event Inexperience, Ignorance