
The Secret Garden Key

It was a warm spring day when Sarah went for a walk in her neighborhood. She liked walking through the quiet streets, looking at the colorful flowers in the gardens. As she walked past an old house, she noticed something strange on the ground near the fence. It was a shiny key!

Sarah picked it up and looked at it closely. The key was small and looked very old. On it, there was a little tag that said, "For the secret garden." Sarah was curious. “A secret garden?” she thought. She had never heard of one in her neighborhood before.

She decided to find out more. Sarah walked along the fence and looked carefully. To her surprise, there was a small, hidden gate behind some bushes. She used the key to open the gate. Inside, she saw a beautiful garden full of flowers, trees, and a small pond.

The secret garden was peaceful, and Sarah felt happy to have discovered it. She sat by the pond and watched the butterflies. From that day on, Sarah visited the secret garden every week, enjoying its quiet beauty.


English Listening Quiz

1. Where does Sarah find the key?

2. What is written on the key?

3. What does Sarah find behind the fence?

4. How does Sarah feel in the secret garden?

5. How often does Sarah visit the garden?

Synonyms and Antonyms Table

Word Synonym Antonym
warm hot cold
spring vernal winter
walk stroll run
quiet silent noisy
colorful vibrant dull
old ancient new
shiny glossy dim
curious inquisitive indifferent
hidden concealed visible
beautiful gorgeous ugly
peaceful calm chaotic
happy joyful sad
discover find lose
quiet serene loud