
The Lost Voice

It was a quiet evening when Lily was sitting in her room, reading a book. Suddenly, she heard a soft sound. "Hello... is anyone there?" Lily looked around but couldn’t see anyone. She was the only one at home. Confused, she stood up and listened carefully. The voice came again, this time clearer. "Help me!"

Lily's heart raced. The voice sounded like it was coming from the wall! She pressed her ear to the cold surface, trying to hear better. To her surprise, she noticed a small crack in the wall. The voice was definitely coming from there.

Without wasting time, Lily grabbed a small hammer from her toolbox and gently tapped on the crack. The wall cracked open a little, and inside, she found a small, dusty box. When she opened the box, there was a tiny note that read, “Thank you for finding me.”

Lily was amazed. There was no one around, but the voice had led her to this mysterious box. She decided to keep the box safe, wondering who had left it and why it was hidden in her wall.


English Listening Quiz

1. Where is Lily sitting when she hears the voice?

2. What does Lily hear?

3. Where does Lily hear the voice coming from?

4. What does Lily find inside the wall?

5. How does Lily feel after finding the box?

Synonyms and Antonyms Table

Word Synonym Antonym
quiet silent noisy
evening night morning
suddenly abruptly gradually
soft gentle loud
confused puzzled clear
carefully cautiously carelessly
cold chilly warm
small tiny large
surprise shock expectation
dusty dirty clean
open uncover close
tiny miniature huge
mysterious strange obvious
safe protected dangerous
hidden concealed visible