
The Friendly Ghost

Mia lived on a quiet street. One day, she decided to visit the old house at the end of the road. The house was very old, and many people said it was haunted, but Mia wasn’t afraid.

She opened the door, which was dusty and creaky. Inside, the house was dark and full of old furniture. As she walked, Mia suddenly heard a voice, “Hello, Mia.”

Mia looked around. There was no one there, but then, she saw a small, friendly ghost. It smiled at her.

“I’m Fred,” said the ghost. “I’ve been alone in this house for many years. I’m not scary.”

Mia wasn’t afraid at all. “Why are you here?” she asked.

“I’m lonely,” Fred replied. “I just want someone to talk to.”

Mia smiled and said, “I will come and visit you sometimes.” From that day, Mia visited Fred every week. They became friends, and Fred was never lonely again.


English Listening Quiz

1. Where does Mia go?

2. What does Mia hear when she is in the house?

3. Who does Mia meet in the house?

4. How does Mia feel when she meets Fred?

5. What does Mia promise Fred?

Synonyms and Antonyms Table

Word Synonym Antonym
quiet silent noisy
old ancient new
afraid scared brave
dusty dirty clean
dark dim bright
friendly kind hostile
alone solitary together
scary frightening comforting
lonely isolated accompanied
visit see leave
smile grin frown
week seven days day
friend companion enemy