
The Cat Who Painted Stars

One evening, Max was sitting by the window, staring out at the dark sky. The stars were shining brightly, and he always wondered how they got there. As he looked closer, he noticed something strange. A small cat was sitting on the roof of his house, looking up at the stars too.

Max had never seen this cat before. It wasn’t the neighbor’s cat, and it wasn’t one of the stray cats he often saw in the streets. This cat had fur as black as night, with sparkling eyes that seemed to reflect the stars above. Max was so curious that he decided to go outside and see the mysterious cat up close.

When Max stepped outside, the cat jumped down from the roof and walked toward him. It didn’t run away like most cats; instead, it sat in front of him and looked at him with those shiny eyes. “Hello, Max,” the cat said in a soft, magical voice.

Max’s eyes widened. “Did you just talk?” he asked, feeling both surprised and amazed. The cat nodded and then spoke again, “I’m not just any cat. I paint the stars every night.”

Max was confused. “Paint the stars?”

“Yes,” said the cat. “I travel across the sky and paint each star. Tonight, I need your help.”


English Listening Quiz

1. What does Max see out of the window?

2. What color is the cat’s fur?

3. What is special about this cat?

4. What does the cat do every night?

5. How does Max feel when he hears the cat speak?

Synonyms and Antonyms Table

Word Synonym Antonym
evening night morning
dark black bright
brightly shining dimly
strange unusual familiar
small tiny large
black dark white
curious inquisitive indifferent
outside outdoors inside
jumped leaped fell
run sprint walk
soft gentle hard
surprised amazed expected
confused puzzled clear