
The Surprise Gift

Yesterday was Emma’s birthday. Today, she wakes up early and goes to the living room. On the table, she sees a big, colorful box. "What is this?" she thinks. Emma opens the box. Inside, there is a small, white puppy! Emma is so happy. She picks up the puppy and hugs it. The puppy wags its tail. Her parents come into the room and smile. "Happy birthday, Emma!" they say. Emma names the puppy "Snow." She plays with Snow all morning. Emma loves her new best friend!


English Listening Quiz

1. When was Emma’s birthday?

2. What is inside the box?

3. How does Emma feel when she sees the puppy?

4. What does Emma name the puppy?

Synonyms and Antonyms Table

Word Synonyms Antonyms
Birthday Anniversary, celebration None
Wake up Rise, get up, awaken Sleep, rest
Go Move, head, walk Stay, remain
Living room Lounge, sitting room Bedroom, kitchen
See Observe, spot, notice Ignore, miss
Open Uncover, reveal, unseal Close, seal
Small Tiny, little, miniature Big, large
Happy Joyful, delighted, cheerful Sad, unhappy
Pick up Lift, grab, take Put down, drop
Hug Embrace, cuddle, squeeze Push, avoid
Wag Shake, flutter, sway Still, stop
Parents Mom and dad, guardians Children
Name Title, label, call None
Play Game, have fun, entertain Work, study
Friend Buddy, companion, pal Enemy, stranger