
The Mysterious Door

One afternoon, Jack is playing in his grandmother’s garden. The garden is big and full of flowers. Jack loves to play there. While running, he sees something strange behind the bushes. It is a small wooden door! Jack is curious. “What is behind this door?” he thinks. He tries to open it, but it is locked. He looks around and finds an old key near the tree. He picks it up and puts it in the lock. Click! The door opens slowly. Behind the door, there is a secret garden with beautiful butterflies and colorful flowers. Jack is surprised. It looks like a magical place! He walks inside and hears birds singing. There is also a small fountain with clear water. Jack sits near the fountain and watches the butterflies. He feels happy and peaceful. After some time, he goes back to his grandmother’s house. He tells her about the secret garden. She smiles and says, “That garden is very old. My grandfather built it many years ago.” Jack is excited. Now, he has a special place to visit every time he comes to his grandmother’s house.


English Listening Quiz

1. Where is Jack playing?

2. What does Jack find behind the bushes?

3. How does Jack open the door?

4. What is behind the door?

5. How does Jack feel in the secret garden?

Synonyms and Antonyms Table

Word Synonyms Antonyms
Afternoon PM, midday, late day Morning, night
Play Game, have fun, entertain Work, study
Big Large, huge, enormous Small, tiny
Full Packed, abundant, overflowing Empty, vacant
Strange Unusual, odd, peculiar Normal, common
Curious Inquisitive, interested, eager Indifferent, uninterested
Try Attempt, strive, endeavor Give up, quit
Locked Secured, closed, bolted Open, unlocked
Pick up Grab, take, collect Drop, put down
Open Unlock, reveal, uncover Close, shut
Surprised Amazed, astonished, shocked Unimpressed, indifferent
Magical Enchanting, mystical, wondrous Ordinary, mundane
Singing Chirping, warbling, vocalizing Silence, quiet
Happy Joyful, content, delighted Sad, unhappy
Peaceful Calm, tranquil, serene Noisy, chaotic
Tell Inform, share, report Hide, keep secret
Excited Thrilled, eager, enthusiastic Bored, uninterested