
The Missing Shoes

It is a sunny morning. Anna wakes up and gets ready for school. She puts on her dress, but she cannot find her shoes! Anna looks under the bed. The shoes are not there. She looks in the bathroom. The shoes are not there. She looks in the kitchen. No shoes! Anna feels worried. Then, she sees her little dog, Max. Max is playing with something. It is her shoe! Anna laughs. She takes the shoe and looks for the other one. Max runs to the sofa and brings the other shoe. Anna hugs Max and puts on her shoes. Now, she is ready for school!


English Listening Quiz

1. What is the weather like in the morning?

2. What is missing?

3. Who takes Anna’s shoe?

4. How does Anna feel at the end?

Synonyms and Antonyms Table

Word Synonyms Antonyms
Sunny Bright, clear, warm Cloudy, dark
Wake up Rise, get up, awaken Sleep, rest
Get ready Prepare, dress, arrange Delay, postpone
Look Search, glance, examine Ignore, overlook
Find Discover, locate, uncover Lose, misplace
Worried Anxious, concerned, uneasy Calm, relaxed
Laugh Giggle, chuckle, smile Cry, frown
Take Grab, pick up, seize Give, release
Run Dash, hurry, sprint Walk, crawl
Hug Embrace, cuddle, squeeze Push, avoid
Ready Prepared, set, equipped Unprepared, late
Shoe Footwear, boot, slipper None