
The Lost Ball

Tom is a little boy. He has a red ball. He plays with the ball every day. He loves his ball very much.

One day, Tom plays in the park. He kicks the ball very hard. The ball goes far. Tom looks for the ball. He looks under the bench. The ball is not there. He looks behind the tree. The ball is not there. Tom is sad.

A dog runs to Tom. The dog has the ball in its mouth! Tom smiles. He takes the ball. He pets the dog.

Tom is happy. The dog is happy too. They play together.


English Listening Quiz

1. What color is Tom’s ball?

2. Where does Tom lose his ball?

3. Who finds the ball?

4. How does Tom feel at the end?

Synonyms and Antonyms Table

Word Synonyms Antonyms
Boy Child, youngster, lad Girl, woman
Ball Sphere, object, toy None
Play Game, have fun, entertain Work, study
Love Adore, cherish, like Hate, dislike
Hard Strong, powerful, intense Soft, gentle
Look Search, glance, watch Ignore, disregard
Sad Unhappy, sorrowful, depressed Happy, joyful
Run Race, jog, sprint Walk, stand
Smile Grin, beam, laugh Frown, scowl
Pet Stroke, caress, cuddle Ignore, neglect
Happy Joyful, content, delighted Sad, unhappy, miserable