to agree to take something that is offered or given, to say "yes" to an offer, invitation, or suggestion.
to combine numbers, increase something, include an extra element, or say more in conversation.
to give permission, enable something to happen, or make something possible.
to request information, seek permission, or invite someone to do something.
to exist, occur, or take place.
to start or initiate something, marking the first stage of an action, event, or process.
to accept something as true, genuine, or real, often without absolute proof.
to separate something into pieces, damage or destroy its integrity, or cause it to stop functioning.
to carry, transport, or move something or someone toward a place, person, or situation.
to acquire something in exchange for money or other payment.
to use a name or title for someone or something, contact someone by phone or voice, or summon a person or group.
to stop, annul, or revoke something that was planned, scheduled, or in progress.
to make something different by altering, replacing, or modifying it.
to remove dirt, stains, or impurities from something, making it free from mess or contamination.
to shut something, bring it to an end, or reduce the distance between objects or people.
to express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.
to keep going or carry on with an activity or task.
to determine the total number of items or people.
to divide something into pieces using a sharp tool.
to perform an action, task, or job.
to make a picture or diagram using a pen, pencil, or other tools.
to take liquid into the mouth and swallow it.
to operate and control a vehicle.
to put food in the mouth, chew, and swallow it.
to make something clear or easy to understand.
to move downward, typically rapidly and freely without control.
to experience a particular physical or emotional state.
to discover something after searching for it.
to complete something or reach the end of it.
to be the right size or shape for something.
to repair or correct something that is broken or not working properly.
to move through the air using wings or other means.
to fail to remember something.
to provide someone with something.
to move from one place to another.
to increase in size, number, or strength.
to take place, occur, or come about.
to own, hold, or possess something.
to perceive sound through the ears.
to assist or support someone in doing something.
to grasp, carry, or keep something in position.
to want something to happen or be true.
to cause pain or injury.
to continue having or holding something.
to be aware of something or have knowledge about it.
to gain knowledge or skill in something.
to go away from a place or person.
to enjoy or be fond of something or someone.
to give attention to sound or someone speaking.
to be alive or have a home in a certain place.
to direct one's eyes towards something.
to misplace something or fail to win.
to feel deep affection or care for someone or something.
to create, build, or produce something.
to express or indicate something.
to come into contact with or get to know someone.
to change position or go from one place to another.
to require something because it is necessary or important.
to present something for someone to accept or reject.
to move something so that it is no longer closed.
to give money in exchange for something.
to engage in an activity for enjoyment.
to move something to a particular position.
To look at and understand written words.
To keep something in your mind or recall it.
To move quickly by foot.
To speak or express something in words.
To notice or perceive something with your eyes.
To exchange goods or services for money.
to cause something to go or be taken to another place.
to present or display something.
to rest on a chair or another surface.
to rest with eyes closed and body inactive.
to say words, talk, or communicate verbally.
to use money or time on something.
to be in an upright position on one's feet.
to begin doing something.
to bring an action or process to an end.
to learn about a subject through reading or practice.
to move or carry something from one place to another.
to speak with someone about something.
to give knowledge or instruction to someone.
to communicate information to someone.
to use the mind to consider or reason about something.
to go from one place to another.
to make an effort to do something.
to speak with someone about something.
to give knowledge or instruction to someone.
to communicate information to someone.
to use the mind to consider or reason about something.
to go from one place to another.
to make an effort to do something.
to move in a different direction.
to comprehend or grasp the meaning of something.
to employ something for a purpose.
to stay in a place or delay action until a later time.
to desire or wish for something.
to look at something carefully.
to be successful in a competition or contest.
to do a job or perform a task.
to feel anxious or concerned about something.
to create words or text on paper or a device.
to have the same opinion as someone else.
to reach a destination.