Concerning or related to something.
At a higher position than something else.
From one side to the other.
Later in time than something else.
In opposition to or touching something.
In a line next to or beside something.
Surrounded by; in the middle of.
In a circular way or surrounding something.
Used to describe a role, function, or comparison.
Used to indicate a place, time, or point.
Earlier in time or in front of something.
At the back of or later than something.
At a lower level than something else.
Under something or lower in position.
Next to or close to something.
In the space separating two things.
Further than or outside the limits of something.
Excluding or apart from something.
Near, beside, or done using something.
About or regarding something.
Taking into account; in view of.
Even though; in spite of.
Moving towards a lower position.
Throughout a period of time.
Not including; other than.
Used to indicate purpose, duration, or recipient.
Indicating the starting point of a location or action.
Inside a place or during a period of time.
Within something; the opposite of outside.
Movement toward the inside of something.
Similar to or in the same way as something.
Close to or not far from something.
Belonging to, related to, or made from something.
Away from or not connected to something.
Touching or supported by a surface.
Moving to a position on a surface.
Away from or beyond something.
Beyond or not inside a place.
Above or higher than something, or moving across something.
Earlier than the current time, or beyond something.
Concerning or about something.
Shaped like a circle or having a curved surface.
From a particular time until now, or because of something.
Moving from one side to another within something.
In every part of something or during the entire period of something.
Until (a particular time or event).
Indicating direction, place, or purpose.
In the direction of something or someone.
In the direction of something.
Below or lower than something.
Directly below or covered by something.
Up to a particular time or event.
To, towards, or upon something or someone.
In the direction from lower to higher.
On, or immediately after something.
In contrast to or against something.
By way of; through the use of something.
Accompanied by or in the company of.
Inside or not beyond a particular limit.
Not having something or not accompanied by something.
As stated by or in agreement with someone or something.
In front of or before something or someone.
Except for or in addition to.
Concerning or regarding something or someone.
From a particular time or date onward.
In accordance with or according to something.
Concerning or with reference to something.
Due to or as a result of something.
Through the use or action of something.
Near or in proximity to something.
Because of or as a result of something.
Not including or apart from something.
At a great distance from something or someone.
In agreement with or according to something.
As well as or in addition to something.
In the event of or if something happens.
Located at the front or ahead of something.
Instead of or in place of something.
Considering or because of something.
In agreement with or in accordance with something.
Despite or regardless of something.
In place of or as an alternative to something.
Regarding or concerning something, especially when describing or comparing it.
In the center or halfway through something.
While doing something or while an action is happening.
At a short distance from something.
Beside or immediately adjacent to something.
Because of or due to something.
As a representative of or for the benefit of someone or something.
At the highest point or position of something.
Because of or due to something.
Before something or earlier in time.
Without being influenced by or despite something.
Because of or due to someone or something.
In combination or in partnership with something or someone.
Concerning or regarding something.
Concerning or in relation to something.
As far as or until a particular point.
In addition to or together with something.
Except for or in addition to something.