A round fruit with red, green, or yellow skin and a sweet taste.
A round object used in games and sports.
A small domesticated animal with fur, whiskers, and sharp claws.
A loyal, domesticated animal often kept as a pet.
A large, gray mammal with a long trunk and tusks.
A large, gray mammal with a long trunk and tusks.
A colorful plant that blooms and is often fragrant.
A piece of land used for growing plants, flowers, or vegetables.
A head covering worn for protection or fashion.
Frozen water that is solid and cold.
A short coat worn for warmth or fashion.
A lightweight object flown in the air, usually attached to a string.
A device that produces light, often used for illumination.
A large natural elevation of the Earth's surface.
A book of blank pages used for writing notes.
A round citrus fruit known for its sweet and tangy taste.
A thin material used for writing or printing on.
A female ruler or the wife of a king.
A large natural stream of water flowing towards an ocean or a lake.
The star at the center of our solar system that provides light and heat.
A piece of furniture with a flat top and legs, used for dining or working.
A device used to protect from rain or sun, consisting of a canopy on a stick.
A musical instrument with four strings played with a bow.
An opening in a wall or vehicle, usually covered with glass, that lets in light and air.
A musical instrument with wooden bars struck by mallets.
A bright color that resembles the sun.
A wild African animal with black and white stripes.
A vehicle that flies in the sky and carries passengers.
A tropical fruit that is yellow when ripe.
A four-wheeled vehicle used for transportation.
A movable structure used to open and close an entrance.
A round or oval object laid by birds, often eaten as food.
An aquatic animal that lives in water and has gills.
Green plants that cover the ground in fields and gardens.
A building where people live.
A piece of land surrounded by water.
A liquid extracted from fruits or vegetables.
A small metal instrument used to open locks.
A flat green part of a plant that grows on branches.
A reflective surface that shows an image.
A structure built by birds to lay eggs and raise young.
A vast body of saltwater covering much of the Earth.
A writing tool made of wood and graphite.
A sentence or phrase used to seek information.
A paved way for vehicles and pedestrians to travel on.
A place where students go to learn.
A tall plant with a trunk and branches covered in leaves.
A special set of clothes worn by members of a group or organization.
A large vehicle used for transporting goods or people.
A small timepiece worn on the wrist or carried in a pocket.
A type of radiation used to see inside objects, especially the human body.
A large boat used for recreation or racing.
A place where animals are kept for public display.
A small insect that lives in colonies.
A vehicle with two wheels that is powered by pedaling.
A piece of furniture used for sitting.
A musical instrument that is played by hitting it with sticks or hands.
A machine that produces power to make a vehicle move.
A utensil with prongs used for eating or serving food.
A spherical model of the Earth or another celestial body.
A large animal used for riding and racing.
A small animal with six legs and usually wings.
A soft, sweet food made from fruit juice and sugar.
A male ruler of a country or kingdom.
A tool with steps used for climbing up or down.
A smart animal that lives in trees and likes to climb.
A thin, sharp tool used for sewing or medical purposes.
A sea animal with eight tentacles.
A soft cushion used to support the head while sleeping.
A short test to assess knowledge.
Water that falls from clouds in drops.
A large boat used for traveling on water.
A slow-moving reptile with a hard shell.
All of space, including stars, planets, and galaxies.
A container used to hold flowers.
A stream of water that falls from a height.
A device used to measure and display time.
A dry, sandy area with little rainfall.
The strength needed to do work or an ability to cause movement.
A light, soft structure covering a bird's body.
A musical instrument with strings played by strumming or plucking.
A raised area of land smaller than a mountain.
A thought or suggestion about a possible course of action.
A piece of clothing worn over other clothes to keep warm.
A medieval soldier who served a king or lord.
A sour yellow fruit used in food and drinks.
An art form that combines sound and rhythm.
A piece of jewelry worn around the neck.
A dramatic musical performance that includes singing.
A large celestial body that orbits a star.
A thick, warm blanket made of layers of fabric.
A small circular band, often worn on a finger.
A dark shape formed when light is blocked.
An electronic device used for watching programs and shows.
A small sea creature with spines, or a mischievous child.
Success in a competition, battle, or struggle.