At a fast speed or without delay.
At a low speed or without hurry.
In a way that avoids harm or mistakes.
In a way that is pleasing to the senses or mind.
In a poor or unsatisfactory way.
In a cheerful or joyful way.
In a way that shows unhappiness or sorrow.
In a manner that shows anger or annoyance.
Without difficulty or effort.
Barely; almost not at all.
Without making any noise.
In a way that makes a lot of noise.
In a quiet or gentle manner.
With a lot of light or in an intelligent way.
In a way that lacks light or in a mysterious manner.
With a soft and careful touch.
In a way that is not smooth or careful.
In a way that shows calmness and tolerance while waiting.
In a way that shows annoyance or eagerness for something to happen.
In a smart or thoughtful manner.
In a way that lacks good judgment or sense.
In a courageous and fearless way.
In a way that lacks courage.
In a truthful and sincere manner.
In a way that is not truthful or fair.
In a nice, gentle, or caring way.
In an impolite or disrespectful way.
In a respectful and well-mannered way.
In an intelligent or skillful way.
In a foolish or unwise way.
In a way that shows excitement or enthusiasm.
In a slow or relaxed way, showing little effort.
In an anxious or worried manner.
In a peaceful and quiet manner.
In a worried or nervous way.
In a way that shows self-assurance.
In a careful and alert manner.
In a careless or dangerous way.
In an important or sincere way.
In a humorous or playful way.
In a way that gives a lot of light or happiness.
In a boring or lacking energy way.
In a kind, friendly, or physically warm way.
In an unfriendly or unemotional manner.
In a way that shows satisfaction or happiness about an achievement.
In a way that shows embarrassment or guilt.
In a happy and cheerful manner.
In a thankful and appreciative manner.
In a way that causes physical or emotional pain.
In a way that provides relaxation or ease.
In a way that causes discomfort or unease.
In an unintended or unplanned way.
In a way that is done on purpose or intentionally.
In a lucky or fortunate way.
In an unlucky or regrettable way.
Happening at consistent or frequent intervals.
Not happening often; infrequently.
Happening often or repeatedly.
Sometimes, but not often.
At all times; on every occasion.
Not at any time; not ever.
On some occasions, but not always.
Not often; rarely.
Most of the time; in most situations.
Without delay; at once.
After some time; in the end.
Slowly and steadily over time.
For a limited period of time.
For an indefinite or long-lasting time.
Not long ago; a short time ago.
Before now; in the past.
In the recent past; recently.
At the present time; in recent days.
The day after today.
The day before today.
The evening or night of today.
In a short time from now.
Before now or earlier than expected.
Until now or up to a particular time.
After a long time or at the end of a process.
Used to introduce the first point in a list.
Used to introduce the second point in a list.
Used to introduce the final point in a list.
For a short time or in a concise way.
For the most part or mainly.
In every way; totally.
Not completely; to some extent.
Completely; in every way.
Only just; almost not.
Precisely; without any difference.
About; roughly.
In a similar way; likewise.
In a way that is not the same.
Quickly and unexpectedly.
In an unexpected or unusual way.
In a way that happens normally or without effort.
In a way that is not natural or is made by humans.
In a reasonable or rational way.
In a way that lacks a specific pattern or reason.
In a way that is not needed or required.