Feeling or showing pleasure or joy.
Feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy.
Large in size, number, or importance.
Little in size, amount, or degree.
Moving quickly or able to do something in a short time.
Moving at a low speed; not fast.
Having a high temperature; very warm.
Having a low temperature or lacking warmth.
Having lived or existed for only a short time.
Having lived or existed for a long time.
Having great physical power or strength.
Lacking strength or power.
Pleasing to the eye, mind, or senses.
Not pleasant to look at; unattractive.
Not difficult to do or understand.
Not easy to do or understand.
Costing a lot of money.
Costing little money; not expensive.
Free from dirt or mess.
Not clean; covered in dirt.
Pleasant to touch; not hard.
Not soft; difficult to break.
Weighing a lot; difficult to lift.
Not heavy; easy to carry.
Having great height.
Not tall; having little length.
Having a lot of money or valuable things.
Having little money; not rich.
Being nice and caring to others.
Not polite; showing bad manners.
Showing courage and not afraid.
Not brave; showing fear.
Feeling the need to rest or sleep.
Having a lot of energy; very active.
Causing laughter; amusing.
Not joking; important or dangerous.
Acting in a kind and pleasant way.
Nervous or uncomfortable around people.
Having a large distance from side to side.
Having a small distance from side to side.
Making a lot of loud sounds.
Making little or no noise.
Wanting or needing food.
Feeling a need to drink something.
Known by many people.
Not known by many people.
Being in good physical condition.
Not feeling well; ill.
Going far down from the surface.
Not deep; having little depth.
Not liking to work or be active.
Moving a lot; full of energy.
Giving off a lot of light; intelligent.
Having little or no light.
Having a large distance between two sides.
Having a small distance between two sides.
Having a very good taste.
Not interesting; causing boredom.
Causing a lot of enthusiasm and interest.
Not safe; able to cause harm.
Not in danger; protected from harm.
Having a fine edge or point; able to cut.
Not sharp; not interesting.
Having too many people in one place.
Having nothing inside; not filled.
Willing to give or share freely.
Caring only about yourself; not thinking of others.
Having good fortune or success by chance.
Having bad fortune or experiencing bad luck.
Covered with water or another liquid.
Not wet; without water.
Telling the truth; not lying or cheating.
Not truthful; likely to lie or cheat.
Showing good manners and respect for others.
Not showing good manners; rude.
Having a moderate or pleasant heat.
Slightly cold, but not too much.
Clean, organized, and tidy.
Not tidy or organized.
Wanting to know or learn more.
Not feeling nervous, worried, or angry.
Feeling strong emotions of displeasure.
Able to accept delay or difficulties calmly.
Not able to wait calmly; easily annoyed.
Feeling relaxed and at ease.
Not feeling relaxed or at ease.
Intelligent and quick in learning.
Not showing good judgment; unwise.
Having a lot of things to do.
Not busy; available; without cost.
Having great strength or influence.
Unable to do anything without help.
Pleasing to look at; beautiful or charming.
Very bad, unpleasant, or terrible.
Quick to learn and understand things.
Not serious; foolish or childish.
Making a lot of noise; not quiet.
Not making any sound; completely quiet.
Damaged or not working properly.
Recently made, new, or clean.